Celebration and Recognition
Celebration and recognition are at the very core of our beings. We appreciate it when those who care about us wish us a happy birthday or a kind word after we performed a job well done.
As we come out of these extraordinary circumstances we need to look around and see that we don’t have a successful shop alone. During the long hours, worrisome days, sleepless nights we have had our team around us the whole time.
Now is your time to shine and show them a sign of appreciation. Take some time to celebrate the teamwork and commitment during the outbreak and say thanks. Thank you takes many forms, a smile, kind words, or buying your team lunch are several ways to show it.
Pick a day next week, buy your team lunch from your favorite lunch spot and chow down as a unit to celebrate your commitment to each other.
At the same time, you can show your support for your local establishment by shooting a Facebook live video when you pick up your food. Invite the restaurant to come to your shop and do the same. By posting it to social media you’ll let your community know you are both open for business and ready to serve their needs.